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dog treats online, getting a big revamp, stay tuned Australia !

healthy dog treats online dogs

healthy dog treats online dogs dog treats online, get a whole NEW look

It has come to my attention that our healthy dog treats site has been looking a little bit jaded of late, so we have hired some contractors to update the look and functionality of it.

Within the next few weeks, we expect to have a fully fleshed out new site for you to shop from and read articles on. The same website address of course.


What we realised is that while we know how good bruce’s healthy dog treats are, and wanted to let you know with articles, specifications and ingredient lists, some people just want to land on the home page and buy.

So we have decided to put our shopping cart access, more obviously on our homepage.

We are also going to use the new shopping cart version called Virtue-mart 3 which is supposed to have a better aesthetic. We will include latest products, most popular products and any area of lists that will help you make a selection.

We dont know everything about how you would like to purchase the products, so we are asking some experts about that too.

But if you have any opinions on what does and doesn’t work on shopping sites in general, we are very happy to hear your comments.

dog treats online are about the postage

The unusual thing about people purchasing in Australia is that they often baulk at what they consider to be high (regular Australia post) postage costs.

Until we get a high enough volume of purchasers, this is the cheapest price that Australia Post charge us. So when we do get to a consistent higher level of sales, we look forward to substantially reducing postage costs.

That said, we hope people understand that even with regular postage costs, our extremely cheap dog treat costs plus postage are typically much cheaper than you will buy for retail in most stores in Australia. We even beat most online dog treat stores, because we own dogs, walk dogs daily and believe in giving your dog the cheapest premium dog treat you can get.

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