Why you should choose Kangaroo meat for dogs as dog treats all the time?
I have some clients who say they would never use kangaroo meat for dogs to feed because they couldn’t bear to think of poor old skippy being killed just for their dogs. Then there has been a little press about how California has made a ban on the trade in kangaroo skins and meat. Their first ban was in the 1970’s when Americans decided that Kangaroos were a threatened species.
The ban was only lifted in 2007 and was meant to resume in 2016, but it has come early. And it largely seems to be driven by vegetarians and The Humane Society of the United States WITHOUT ANY REAL DATA, or humane actions that are needed by way of culls here.
Here is a snapshot of the real Kangaroo Population.
“There are 48 species of macropods (kangaroos) in Australia. Of these only 4 can be commercially harvested. In addition 2 species of wallaby are harvested in Tasmania. 99% of the commercial kangaroo harvest occurs in the arid grazing rangelands. The populations of kangaroos in these areas are estimated every year in each State by well developed aerial survey techniques. In 2008 Kangaroo populations stand around the 25 million mark .. similar numbers of kangaroos in Australia as there are cattle (28.7 million) (ABARE 2002). ”
Kangaroo Culling was only introduced by the Australian Government to create a Model of Sustainable Utilisation. These groups have input into the model and the numbers ” CSIRO, Australasian Wildlife Management Society, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Wide Fund for Nature.”
While public surveys have reported that the average Australian supports using kangaroos as a natural resource (over 70%) – this is one case where impartial government authorities have made quotas ALSO for the benefit of the animals – reducing starving and car strike in many areas.
BUT much more than that, even if quota’s were introduced for humane reasons, and the tag system is under strict control of who is legally allowed to harvest this resource – you should also understand that every year around Australia that well under 50% of the quote is fulfilled. YES, on the projected best outcome of culling numbers, we are still unable to reach anywhere near the ideal values suggested by the science groups.
What does the California Kangaroo ban mean?
Well in Australia and globally it will give ridiculous support to fringe groups that rely on emotion rather than science to push for a global ban. It will give the media something to write about on slow news days, and put our industry under threat.
Curiously if you look into California animal protection you will find that America has killed many species off and now seem to be trying to atone by telling other countries what they think they should be doing.
The problem for many people wanting safe organic meat in their dog food is that they just cant afford it. Well at least as their main meal. And that is where out Healthy Dog Treats come into play. Many forms of meat that make it into manufactured dog food are intensively farmed and have antibiotics, hormones and other nasties introduced into these animals. These cows and chickens rarely would be considered to have led a free and easy life – unlike the Kangaroos that are culled by expert shooters.
Kangaroo meat for dogs price and availability.
If you have been eating beef in Australia over the last few years, you may have found that the price has gone up about 50% over that time. With the rise of Asian superpowers, lowering of our export restrictions and now the TPP, you might find quite a few of our staple meats for human consumption in Australia are artificially going up in price, which enviably means a price rise in meats used for dog food, or a lowering in quality. Artificially means farmers making money, governments making money, the average Australian not being able to afford quality meat, grown in Australia anymore.
China has massive population that as it increases its GDP and standard of living is happy to buy Australian farmland cheaply and export our meat by the boat load selling it cheaply (relative to Australia) to their own people. That is a fact and my social comment. We have been doing the same with our best quality tuna and salmon to Japan for years !
A June 2015 article also noted that ” QUEENSLAND LNP Senator Barry O’Sullivan will have a singular focus when he spearheads an Australian government trade delegation to China to try to seal the deal on kangaroo meat exports. His prime goal will be opening up trade to help generate jobs and spark commerce for drought ravaged regional communities.” ” The Association also support the mission’s aim to add the potentially lucrative Chinese market to the current list of 70 export destinations for Australian kangaroo meat exports.”
And that is dandy for the people making money out of it (the 4,000 odd workers) but when YOUR food and dog food bills increase, perhaps you will rethink that QLD strategy. Oh, by the way QLD is responsible for about 70% of the kangaroos culled in Australia each year. So if they do pull off a major coup for the farmers, Australia’s Kangaroo prices are likely to quickly become unaffordable.
CONCLUSIONS about kangaroo dog treat scarcity
So while Australians currently don’t value Kangaroo meat, the organic, lean high protein alternative, there is perhaps a small window for you to enjoy giving the world’s most clean and valuable meat for your dogs. Kangaroos will continue to be culled in Australia for the foreseeable future and if the governments and associations have their way, the price to Australians will skyrocket.
By the way I feed my dog a raw meat diet, and he doesn’t like raw or cooked raw kangaroo meat, But he loves Kangaroo jerky and Kangaroo tendons. Different texture and smell concentration. The roo dog treats are low fat, high in Omega 3 and help clean his teeth while strengthening his gums and jaw.
This is something that regular manufactured dog food is very poor at doing. And that is why kangaroo meat dog treats are the most ideal dog treat you will every buy your dog. And for the moment you can do so at very affordable prices.